Sunday, September 28, 2008

Expecting Fathers

I have to take a break from the golf talk because I'm going to be a father! Jess surprised me with a bib that says "I LOVE DADDY". We are both very excited because we are at that time in our lives where we want to take that next step and be parents. It also comes with a huge responsiblity. Not only is that little baby going to be time consuming but is also going to be very expensive! We just got back from visiting the hospital to see how far along we are (8 weeks). We have to plan our budget accordingly to pay for the upcoming medical bills and how to keep Jess from feeling that wonderful morning/afternoon/evening sickness. I must say she is a trooper but I don't think we will have more than two kids because I'll keep reminding her how she felt. =)

When we talked to the nurse for our first checkup and we told her the baby was planned, she laughed and said that is a first. She told us how many teens come in pregnant and act like it is no big deal. They never have any questions. Jess and I thought about what it would be like to be 16 and expecting. I would be in shock and fear of not only my future but the future of the baby and not being able to support him or her. Many teens have this unrealistic view of babies and how much fun they are. They don't get to see them when they are really sick and crying in the middle of the night. The financial responsibility would have to be left up to their parents or Government because their is no way they would be able to pay for the medical bills let alone the daily necessities such as diapers, clothes, food, & medicine. If the teens were to quit school and work full time, they would probably only be able to cover daycare and maybe food because they wouldn't have the education to get a good paying job. That means living with their parents till their 30 (ouch!). I am afraid our society is creating more situations such as these where the children are going to suffer and their is going to be a vicious cycle.
The problem I see in the future is the people who are having more babies are a lot of the same people I just explained. They are accepting welfare checks from the government because they receive more money from the government by staying home with their babies rather than going out and getting a job because the only jobs they are qualified for are just above minimum wage due to not having an education. Are their children going to do the same? Unfortunately, the statistics say there is a very high percentage that their children are going to repeat the same cycle. Children act and eventually behave like their parents, especially the daughter who doesn't have her father around to be a male role model. These children that come from broken homes and lack of good role models as parents will probably end up giving up and following the same path because they don't think they can do any better. The number of poor uneducated people who are getting pregnant at an early age are going to outnumber the people who are paying for their welfare check by a number that doesn't add up.
Ok, enough of the ranting. I sound like my dad. Now I know why I am a conservative. Hey, I took another job cleaning an office every morning so I can put money away for our future and our soon to be childs future. We have a plan to be successful and to teach our child about making good decisions. As long as God fits into that plan and is the focus of our decision making, we will be just fine.
This baby we are about to have is going to be such a blessing! That pic of Jess and I and our little nephew Jackson shows how a happy baby should look like that is blessed with a loving mother and father who would do anything for him. Thats the way God meant for it to be! Wish us luck and keep us in your prayers in order to be the parents God wants us to be.
In His Grip,

Saturday, September 6, 2008

What's The One Thing

My Friend and brother in Christ, Steve Burdick, wrote a wonderful devotional about following God with your whole heart! I felt compelled to post it on my blog because many of us put our passion, whether it is golf, hunting, rock climbing, sky diving, music, etc. in place of God. We get totally immersed in this activity and we don't make time for what is important in life such as our relationships with God, family, & friends. I was a prime example of someone who put sports as my god, especially in college when I played golf. After I met Steve Burdick at a College Golf Fellowship event, I learned the importance of putting God first in my life and letting everything else fall into place. Once I made Him a priority, I found myself at peace. I have never been happier and I know money, fame, and golfing success doesn't compare and can't replace my relationship with Jesus Christ, my wife, and family. If you have a similar story, I urge you to check out and contact one of the CGF staff. Also, if you would like to subscibe to Links Daily Devotionals go to Enjoy!

Burdick Family

Jesus looked at him and loved him. "One thing you lack," he said. "Go sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." (Mark 10:21, NIV)

Jesus looked at him and loved him. "One thing you lack," he said. "Go sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." (Mark 10:21, NIV) I was fortunate enough to play college golf at Stanford University with Tiger Woods. He was a freshman when I was a senior, and I have many fond memories of that year--like when Tiger would carry our luggage at the airport and sleep on the rollaway bed in the hotel. Those were the days!

However, one memory has stood out above the others and took place when Tiger came on his recruiting trip to Stanford. While eating pizza together one night, I asked Tiger what he did besides play golf. I will never forget his response, as he looked at me with a dead straight face and said, "Eat and sleep." How sad. Golf had become his god.

Now, obviously his hard work, dedication, and incredible talent has allowed him to become probably the greatest player ever, but there is so much more to life than the game of golf. When I think about Tiger and this memory, I cannot help but compare him to a man in the Bible who had a very interesting encounter with Jesus (Mark 10:17-31). The Bible tells us that this man was extremely wealthy, powerful, and successful at a young age. Does that not describe Tiger?

When this high achieving young man came to Jesus searching for eternal life, Jesus literally looked into his heart, expressed deep love for him, and then dropped the bomb. He told this materially rich yet spiritually bankrupt man that he was holding on to "one thing" that kept him from eternal life. In summary, Jesus told him to sell all, give all, and follow Jesus. This man was left with a choice to respond to God's initiative.

Unfortunately, the Bible tells us that this man walked away from Jesus sorrowful and grieving. He had made his choice. The things of this world were more important to him than what Jesus was offering--an intimate relationship with God and eternal life.

At some point in all of our lives, we are faced with this same choice. Sometimes we face this choice on a daily basis as things creep into our life and become "gods" to us. Will we choose to sell all, give all, and follow Jesus? What is the "one thing" that is keeping you from following Jesus with all your heart? Is it money, power, success, a relationship, a job, a ministry...something else?

Remember, it is for freedom that Christ has set us free (Galatians 5:1). Let go of anything that is keeping you from experiencing the freedom that God desires for us as we follow Jesus and experience eternal life!